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5 Reasons to Get a Commercial Building Inspection

By December 23, 2019November 21st, 2024Commercial Building Inspections
Commercial building inspections

If you own a business and are looking to purchase a commercial building, then you know that there are many things to be worried about. First and foremost, you want to make sure that the facility that you are about to buy is sound, free of issues, or only has issues that can be easily addressed.  

Indeed, there is nothing worse than closing on a commercial property only to realize that there are major problems with it that you did not catch during the purchasing process. At Alpha Building Inspections, we understand. We have been there when our clients have been caught unawares by a property deficiency that was not readily apparent.  

Accordingly, the best way to get peace of mind – and to make sure that the property you are about to buy is truly worth the price – is to get a commercial building inspection. The only way to really know if there are issues with a commercial property is to have someone with experience take a careful look at everything about the property.   

In this blog, we will take a moment to discuss the top 5 reasons to get a commercial building inspection. If, after reading this article, you want more information regarding your own circumstances, then we welcome you to contact us at Alpha Building Inspections today. Just call 603-816-1014, or you can request a quote anytime, day or night, by contacting us online.

Now, on to the top 5 list.  

5 Reasons You Need a Commercial Building Inspection

Reason #1 – Get to Know All Systems

Taking a look at a commercial property by doing a walkthrough is only half the story when it comes to a commercial building. Every building has structural and mechanical systems that are not easily inspected by walking through the property.

Without specialized knowledge on what to look for with regard to building systems, such as elevators, escalators, and heating and air-conditioning systems, it can be easy to miss significant deficiencies that could result in significant costs to you down the road.

By obtaining the assistance of a seasoned commercial building inspector on the front end, you will be getting the peace of mind that there will not be expensive surprises related to a major systems failure in the future.  

With a commercial building inspection, you will get a full report (typically with digital photos) detailing everything about the property you are buying from foundation to ceiling. Armed with that extensive knowledge of the building’s systems, you will be better positioned to close on the property, comfortable in the knowledge that you did your due diligence.

Reason #2 – Gaining an Expert in Your Corner

A commercial building inspector is someone with years of experience in one or many different trades involving structures and systems on all types of properties. The inspectors at Alpha Building Inspections, for example, have extensive backgrounds in commercial and residential development, are well trained, and are supported by a well-respected international company.  

That means that your building inspector is a resource for you as you both go through the inspection of a property. You can ask the inspector questions, and get valuable feedback on how to handle any repairs that need to be done.  

Reason #3 – Minimizes Your Exposure

As a business person, you know that predictability is the priority, and you want to avoid as many surprises as possible. By employing the expertise of a professional commercial building inspector, you are doing the best thing you can do to minimize the risk in your investment.  

Without question, commercial properties are very expensive propositions. You want to make sure that your investment is as sound as possible before you take the plunge to purchase the property. By knowing what may need to be addressed before closing, or into the future, you can better plan for the future.  

Reason #4 – Pin Down Replacement Costs

We all know that both commercial and residential mechanical systems can only last so long. So, even if a mechanical system works properly at the time of purchase, you still want to know how much longer certain systems will function before they need to be replaced.

An experienced commercial building inspector can provide you with that information, and provide you with a replacement cost estimate for those items as well.

Reason #5 – Better Understand Your Purchase Price

With the purchase of a commercial property, you always want to know that you are getting a fair price. By inspecting the property, you can better assess whether there are certain costs to maintaining the building that justify a cheaper purchase price, or whether the seller should give you a break in price because of certain deficiencies. Thus, with an inspection, you will have more information with which to appropriately negotiate the final purchase price.

Call Alpha Building Inspections to Protect Your Commercial Investment

At Alpha Building Inspections, we understand how important it is that you get the most out of a commercial property. We also know that you need to know everything about a commercial building you are about to purchase. That is where our expertise comes into play.

Not only are we professional and efficient commercial building inspectors, but also we are certified for Phase One environmental assessments and members of the New Hampshire Commercial Investment Board of Realtors and Environmental Consultants and Affiliates Network LLC.  

We take our role as inspectors very seriously, having inspected all types of facilities, including:

  • Office buildings
  • Strip malls
  • Medical and dental offices
  • Car dealerships
  • Industrial buildings
  • Churches
  • Warehouses
  • Condominiums
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Retail stores
  • Gas stations, and 
  • Hotels

In our decades of inspection experience, we know that your time is valuable. Accordingly, we make sure that we schedule all inspections in a timely manner, efficiently turn around our results, and keep our clients apprised every step of the way. We will be sure to work with you to meet your deadlines.

We facilitate effective communication with property owners, brokers, and managers, to make sure that all parties are on the same page. Once an Alpha inspection is concluded, you will receive an accurate, easy-to-read, professional inspection report that outlines our findings and recommendations. With our reports, we include digital photographs to document property deficiencies, when necessary.  

To learn more about how we can provide a professional inspection of your building, please contact us at 603-816-1014 or request a quote anytime by contacting us online. Contact us today. We know that you will be impressed with our honesty, integrity, and professionalism.

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