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What does a Home Inspector Inspect

By August 14, 2019March 29th, 2024Home Inspections

Most potential buyers are unable to decide whether they should order a home inspection service or not. The reason being they don’t know exactly how it is going to benefit them.
Considering buyers’ psychology, paying for something starts to make sense only when you know what’s in it for you. And a home inspection service is no different.
So, when you hire a building inspector, here’s what to expect.

Home inspection turnaround

A full-blown home inspection takes around two to three hours, but this is not set in stone since every property differs from the rest in terms of size and complexity. A sensible building inspector would treat your home with respect and won’t create any chaos or clutter while going over the elements. Generally, a home inspection report is delivered by the promised time, unless some unexpected circumstances dictate otherwise.

Can you be part of it?

A home inspector who is confident about what he does would encourage you to be part of the inspection process. This way, the inspector will be able to give you real-time insights, and you can ask questions as you go. Also, you will get a detailed report at the end of the inspection which you can use as valid proof during price negotiations.

Can home sellers benefit from this service?

A seller can benefit from home inspection as much as the buyer. If you have your home inspected before putting it on the market, you will get a chance to know about – and fix – the defects and pay attention to areas where maintenance is due. This will help you present your property in the best light and get an upper hand in the negotiations.

What does an inspector look for in a home inspection?

A comprehensive home inspection covers almost everything that could potentially sway your buying decision. Here’s the checklist:

    • HVAC and Plumbing system
    • Roof and attic
    • Basement and foundation
    • Doors, windows, and visible insulation
    • Floors, walls, ceiling
    • And other structural components

There are a few other tests conducted to detect the presence of the following elements:

  • Radon
  • Termites
  • Asbestos
  • Mold

If your home inspection report lists a dozen of defects, don’t panic. Many of them will be so trivial that you can strike them off the list. When it comes to addressing the serious issues, consider talking to your building inspector about the best ways to fix them.

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